Welcome to SPARKTalks!

This school-year-long, monthly video series will focus on social and emotional wellness. 

Checkout this page or SPARK's YouTube channel to see new videos as they're published! 

In this installment of SPARKTalks, Jennifer Hanni, UVA Health Prince William Medical Center Behavioral Health Inpatient Program Nurse Manager, defines compassion fatigue and burnout, and shares ways to combat those feelings with self-care.

Resources included in this presentation:

UVA Health Resources: 

SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:

AMI - National Alliance on Mental Illness:

NIH - National Institutes of Health:

In this year's first installment of our wellness series of SPARKTalks, Katie Schmidt, resident in counseling, talks about starting a new year and new resolutions, and how to focus on your mental wellness without stressing yourself out.
In this installment of our wellness series of SPARKTalks, Beulah Martin, owner and founder of Be Martin Wellness, shares about the importance of self-care during the holiday season, and provides tips for getting the most out of this fun, but often stressful, time of year.

This is the second installment of SPARKTalks, a video series for students, teachers, staff, and families. This year's series will focus on social and emotional wellness. This video features Brielle Anderson, a Workforce Health Consultant with Kaiser Permanente (KP), sharing free online resources for mental health and wellness that are available to both KP members, and non-members. Brielle explains how to use KP’s online health encyclopedia and where to find audio and visual resources for mental health.

Resources mentioned in this video include:

Health Encyclopedia 

Mind & Body Wellness 

Understanding Mental Health 

Mental Health & Wellness Tools (Audio Resources) 


This video features Rhys Kuhl, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker Resident (LCSW-R) with Woodbridge Therapy Group and covers the topic of "Changing Seasons" and the importance of psychological wellness during times of change.